We proclaim Jesus, instructing and teaching everyone with all wisdom so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
Colossians 1:28

BELONG to Jesus’ people.

The main way that God connects to people is through his people, even before they believe in him or any particular thing about him. From the moment you connect with Hillside, whether through a small group, event, or a Sunday morning, we want you to know that you belong, regardless of what you believe, where you come from, or how you choose to live. You have a place here with a family who will surround you with love and support.

Next Steps: Attend on Sunday. Join a small group.

BELIEVE in Jesus.

A decision to follow Jesus and give him your life is no small thing. Jesus told us to count the cost before committing to him (Luke 14:28), and we take that seriously. We believe that as people spend time with Jesus’ people, they will be drawn more and more to Him, and when the time comes to make a commitment to Jesus, we will be there for love and support and to take the next steps in faith together.

Next steps: Repent of your sin and give your life to Jesus. Take the Christian basics course and be baptized.

BECOME like Jesus.

The process of following Jesus and becoming more like him is called “discipleship.” When we follow Jesus as a community, there are practices that help us become more like him. These aren’t “laws” that earn God’s love. We already have God’s love through Jesus. These are practices to help shape our lives to become more and more like Jesus’ life. We know that it’s really hard to cultivate habits alone, and that God never intended for us to walk the road of discipleship alone. So, we commit to helping each other develop habits that shape our lives to look more like Jesus.

Next step: Take the 3-2-1 course. Contact Pastor Brandon about our Christian basics course. Join a small group.